Frequently Asked Questions about Lawn Fertilizer

Choosing the right fertilizer can be daunting at times. Certain fertilizers are better for lawns while others are only for flowers. There are many forms of fertilizers ranging from granulated forms and liquids to certain fertilizers that have more nitrogen and phosphate. Some fertilizers have no phosphate at all. With all the different types of fertilizers available, it is good to have a solid working plan. Calling a professional from Paradise Landscaping - Irrigation & Pool Maintenance can make fertilizing your lawn even easier.

Here are Some Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Lawn Fertilizer

When Should I Have My Lawn  Fertilized?

Your lawn can be fertilized anytime in the growing season. It is recommended that you avoid applying fertilizer to a lawn that is stressed. A lawn can become stressed from to much exposure to summer heat and drought.  Landscaping at the Lake of the Ozarks comes with a few challenges unique to the area. These challenges include over moisture due to a high water table, high pollen levels and our topography. Have a professional come out and evaluate your lawn condition. This will keep you reassured that you will not run in to any issues when fertilizing.  

How Soon After Fertilizing Is it Safe to Mow My Lawn?

You can mow your lawn anytime after the fertilizer has been watered or after it has rained. Once the fertilizer has been saturated by water you are free to resume normal yard work and enjoy your beautiful lawn.

Is it Okay To Apply Fertilizer in Hot Months?

Depending on the grass, it's not always recommended to apply fertilizer during the summer. The heat can potentially cause the fertilizer to burn and damage the grass plant, especially in dry conditions. The spring season is a perfect time to get your lawn fertilized at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Is Fertilizer Safe for My Pets?

The fertilizing products are generally safe for your pets. If you have pets, please let us know before we apply the treatment to your lawn. We can make sure that the fertilizer that we use will be acceptable for your pet, and not harm them.

How Can I Have a Great Looking Front Lawn With as Little Work as Possible?

Call The Best Landscape Company at the Lake of the Ozarks for all of your landscaping needs! Paradise Landscaping takes all the guesswork out of lawn fertilizing so you can relax and enjoy your beautiful scenery right in you own front, or backyard. From small landscapes to large estates, we would love to help you maintain your yard so you don't have to. Contact us today at 573-964-6515 to schedule your lawn fertilizing, and visit our website to request a quote!

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