It's time to get your ultimate spook factor on and start perfecting your paradise for Halloween! From goblins and ghouls to pumpkins and cornstalks, there are many different styles to decorating, and all of them just as fun. No matter what, if you'll have little trick-or-treators, you'll want to up the curb appeal and give it just the right touch. At Paradise Landscaping, we take care of keeping your paradise beautiful, but we can also give you some fun ideas for keeping it festive too!
Don't forget about the rest of your Lake of the Ozarks landscaping! You can add cobwebs in the trees, bushes and flowers or place pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns by your water garden at the Lake of the Ozarks. Our custom landscapes make the perfect setting for any of your decorating plans!
Start at the Curb
This will be the first things peopl see as they approach your house, so don't let it go to waste. You can add decor to your mailbox, your front fence, or even your entire front yard. You'll want to start by picking a theme. Will you be all out scary or fall festive? This will give you an idea of what to shop for. You can make your mailbox a ghost, hang white beach balls with black eyes in your trees, or place pumpkin and cornstalks on each fence post.Create a Path
Do you have a sidewalk? You can decorate along your sidewalk either with pots of mums for a fun fall feel, or little ghosts if you're looking for something spooky. Better yet, take a solar powered sidewalk light and wrap some thin white fabric around it and secure it with a twist-tie to create little glowing ghosts!Make the Front Door Inviting
You can add a beautiful fall wreath to the front door, or you can add one that's covered with bats for a spooky feel. Do you want to make your porch look spooky? Don't forget to add plenty of cobwebs, scarecrows, ghosts or even spiders! Make your front door look like a tombstone by wrapping it in paper and painting a name and date on it.
Ghostly Garden
Don't forget about the rest of your Lake of the Ozarks landscaping! You can add cobwebs in the trees, bushes and flowers or place pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns by your water garden at the Lake of the Ozarks. Our custom landscapes make the perfect setting for any of your decorating plans!Best Landscaping Company at the Lake of the Ozarks
Are you in the mood to make your landscape a wonderful Halloween haunt? We would love to see what you do with the place! From planting new grass seed to revamping your entire backyard with a new grilling patio area, garden, and water fixture - we can create a perfect paradise for you. Visit our website to see samples of our work, and don't forget to have a happy Halloween season!
Let us create the perfect PARADISE in your own backyard!
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