As we start to make our way into the winter season, there are a few things you'll want to do to make sure your yard is ready to go. One of the most important is making sure that the leaves have been removed from your yard. At this point in the year, most of the leaves should have blown off your trees, and are now laying scattered across your landscape, but did you know that your yard needs to have them removed in order to succeed next year? Here are a few reasons you'll want to have your leaves professional removed and disposed of before winter.
Do your sidewalks need power washed from the summer and fall weather? We can do it!
Leaves Can Kill
So, this is a bit over dramatic, but leaves really can kill your lawn! When leaves are left on your landscape, they can choke out the possibility of having a nice lawn in the spring. When you leave leaves on your landscape there are a few main things that can happen. First, as they stay continually damp, this encourages fungus and mold to grow and invade your landscape. As this covers your landscape, it chokes out the ability for your lawn to get oxygen. The second thing that can happen is that your landscape doesn't get the sunshine it needs. The sun helps to dry out the grass when it gets wet and keeps it set up for a good growing season in the spring.
Make It Safe
The winter months are generally wet and cold - which when combined with leaves that are still left on the ground can make for a very dangerous situation for you. If you're running to your front door to escape the cold weather, those wet leaves that you left on your yard and sidewalk have now created n environment perfect for slipping. Not to mention, leaves can block your view of what you're really stepping on. They can hide dips and holes in your landscape, as well as cracks and uneven surfaces in your hardscapes. If you hire the best landscaping company at the Lake of the Ozarks, we can help you not only remove the leaves, but also clean of the other areas of your yard that need to be repaired and cleaned.Do your sidewalks need power washed from the summer and fall weather? We can do it!
While you can rake your entire yard and then find a way to dispose of the piles, you can also call the landscape maintenance company at the Lake of the Ozarks to do it. We are highly efficient at what we do, and because we have the best tools for the job already on hand, it can be accomplished quickly. From a large yard to small, we can clean up the leaves in your landscape, and then dispose of them properly. No more back breaking work raking the leaves, or bagging them up to dispose of - and even finding a place to dispose of them.
Leaves Can Kill

Hire the Best!
At Paradise Landscaping, we take your landscape seriously, and our goal is to create a perfect paradise for you and your family. Now is the time to create the landscaping you've always dreamed of, and we're ready to help. Our custom landscapes at the Lake of the Ozarks are exactly what you need for the next spring and summer season to enjoy. Visit our website to see images from our portfolio, and learn more about our services!
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