Many people seem to think fall is the only time you need to worry about your leaves falling, but unfortunately, they are wrong. Leaves continue to fall well into the spring also. The best leaf removal company at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to tell you why you should have your leaves removed in the spring too. For leaf removal, you can count on, call Paradise Landscaping at 573-964-6515 or visit our website at
Reason #1
Leaves can delay your grass from growing.
Layers of leaves block your lawn from getting the air flow it needs. Without healthy air flow, your lawn may not be able to grow as it should.
Reason #2
Piles of leaves invite pests.
Leaves make for a great habitat for uninvited pests and insects. Keep those pests away and get your leaves removed in a timely manner.
Reason #3
Layers of leaves can prevent your lawn from getting the nutrients it needs.
The leaves create a blocking barrier, making it difficult for your lawn to get the water and nutrients it needs to survive.
Reason #4
Prevent brown patch from occurring.
Brown patch is a disease that appears on your lawn in brown and yellowish circles. This looks very displeasing to the eye and you can prevent this from happening by making sure your leaves are removed on a normal basis.
Reason #5
Prevent snow mold from happening.
Similar to brown patch, snow mold causes your grass to be discolored as well. Snow mold involves white to grayish webbing throughout your lawn. Don't ruin your lawn with snow mold and have your leaves removed today.
Leaf removal can be strenuous and time-consuming work if you try to do it on your own. Paradise Landscaping has the equipment and manpower to get your leaves removed from the lawn at your home or business in a timely and efficient manner. Along with leaf removal, we offer weekly mowing, trimming, and blowing off all hard surfaces. We also offer a variety of services including turf treatments, tree & shrub fertilization, pruning maintenance, mulching, power washing, and home check-up services. We stand by the motto, “Maintaining your Paradise is our Business.” We help you create your dream oasis at the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. We specialize in everything from retaining walls, water features, trees and shrubs, sod, among other features, and oversee the design and full maintenance. We are based out of Lake Ozark and when you choose to support a local business you are supporting your economy. For more information on what we can do to improve your home or business landscape, give us a call 573-964-6515 or visit our website at
Don't Forget About Your Leaves!
Reason #1
Leaves can delay your grass from growing.
Layers of leaves block your lawn from getting the air flow it needs. Without healthy air flow, your lawn may not be able to grow as it should.
Reason #2
Piles of leaves invite pests.
Leaves make for a great habitat for uninvited pests and insects. Keep those pests away and get your leaves removed in a timely manner.
Reason #3
Layers of leaves can prevent your lawn from getting the nutrients it needs.
The leaves create a blocking barrier, making it difficult for your lawn to get the water and nutrients it needs to survive.
Reason #4
Prevent brown patch from occurring.
Brown patch is a disease that appears on your lawn in brown and yellowish circles. This looks very displeasing to the eye and you can prevent this from happening by making sure your leaves are removed on a normal basis.
Reason #5
Prevent snow mold from happening.
Similar to brown patch, snow mold causes your grass to be discolored as well. Snow mold involves white to grayish webbing throughout your lawn. Don't ruin your lawn with snow mold and have your leaves removed today.
Interested in Having Your Leaves Removed by Professionals?
Leaf removal can be strenuous and time-consuming work if you try to do it on your own. Paradise Landscaping has the equipment and manpower to get your leaves removed from the lawn at your home or business in a timely and efficient manner. Along with leaf removal, we offer weekly mowing, trimming, and blowing off all hard surfaces. We also offer a variety of services including turf treatments, tree & shrub fertilization, pruning maintenance, mulching, power washing, and home check-up services. We stand by the motto, “Maintaining your Paradise is our Business.” We help you create your dream oasis at the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. We specialize in everything from retaining walls, water features, trees and shrubs, sod, among other features, and oversee the design and full maintenance. We are based out of Lake Ozark and when you choose to support a local business you are supporting your economy. For more information on what we can do to improve your home or business landscape, give us a call 573-964-6515 or visit our website at
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