Tips for Winterizing Your Pool

It's been a great summer here at the Lake and while we are still in summer mode, Labor Day is almost here which marks the end of the summer season here at the Lake. The kids are going back to school and before we know it, the leaves will begin to fall off the trees and the temperatures will begin to cool off. With Fall on the mind, it is time start thinking about winterizing your pool. It is important to properly winterize your pool in order to preserve the life of your pool. Afterall, you want to enjoy your pool for many years to come. Today, your favorite landscaping company at the Lake of the Ozarks has a few tips to consider for winterizing your pool this year.

Fix Any Existing Issues 

If you experienced any problems with your pool throughout the season, it is important to clear these up before you winterize it. Problems you should address include: cloudy water, algae growth, or chlorine issues. 

Test Your Water 

Just as you have been testing your pool water all summer for proper swimming conditions, you should test your water before winterizing too. However, this is different from testing for swimming conditions. Your water needs to be prepared for freezing, not swimming. 

Clean Your Pool 

It is important to clean your pool after summer is over. You should brush and vacuum the pool and don't forget to give the water line a good scrub. 

Lower the Water Level 

You will need to lower the water level in your pool to properly winterize your pool. Often, people make the mistake of emptying their pool completely. You still need to keep some water in your pool to avoid cracks and damage to your pool. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that the water level is below the pools return outlets.

Don't Forget About Your Equipment! 

In addition to the pool itself, it is important that you also winterize your equipment. Your electricity should be turned off, drain the water from the filter, heater pump, hoses, and pipes. You should store your pool equipment in a safe, dry place for Winter. 

Why Should I Winterize My Pool?

You may be asking yourself why you should winterize your pool. There are many reasons you should winterize your pool at the Lake of the Ozarks. The Midwest is a big candidate for cold weather and snow. Cold temperatures can lead to your pipes freezing, cracking, and in the end causing you a huge headache. Proper maintenance is a crucial part of keeping your pool looking and operating its best. 

Hire a Professional! 

Our last tip for winterings your pool is to hire a professional. Your pool is one of your favorite investments and we don't want to see it gone to waste or damaged because of a mistake in the winterizing process. Our team at Paradise Landscaping is here to help ensure that is taken care of properly. That' why it's important to hire a professional pool maintenance company at the Lake of the Ozarks to winterize your pool for you. Give us a call today at 573-964-6515 and we would be happy to discuss winterize your pool this Fall.

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